(Dagbladet - Riks24) Fryktede terrormistenkte fremstår som amatører
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The corporate media and the authorities are having a field day lavishing saturation coverage on the so-called New York “terror plot” in which four men, three of them U.S. citizens, supposedly planned to blow up a Jewish temple and shoot down military planes, feverishly citing it as another example of why we should accept police state measures in major cities and the targeting of American citizens as “domestic terrorists”.
The only problem with this premise, mirroring just about every other major terror plot and terror bust that we have ever studied, is that the men were radicalized and provocateured by an FBI informant, who provided the group with the fake weapons that led to their arrest.
Just as in every other case, the men will likely turn out to be semi-retarded dropouts who eagerly followed the fed’s lead in the pursuit of a promise of massive cash gifts and a way out of their miserable poverty-stricken lives.
(TV2 - Riks24 - VG) Amerikanere pågrepet for terrorplaner i New York
(VG) «Småkriminelle jihadister» med bombe-plan
Miami 7
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