søndag 8. mars 2009

Angelfire gidder ikke å lese engelsk

Jeg hadde ikke skrevet på SOL på en stund og skrev et sammendrag av noe av det jeg hadde kommet fram til. Angelfire og ur-norsk er visst ikke så flinke i engelsk, men nok til at de har fått med seg hva innlegget dreide seg om:

oi tjusan! :O
av angelfire den 24/03/2008 - 22:39

velkommen tilbake, lenge siden vi har sett deg.
jeg gidder fortsatt ikke lese engelsk, har nok av det på nettet uansett. jeg gidder heller ikke lese dørglange klipp-og-lim innlegg.
OG jeg tror til og med konspirasjonsforumet fortsatt eksisterer.
vel, uansett. velkommen tilbake.

Din tuffs :D)))
av ur-norsk den 24/03/2008 - 22:51


kan du flere språk ?
oversett sette til samisk..... vi i lavo forstår ikke Engelsk.... vær så snill hjelp meg

tror fanden meg.... noen jøder vil ta meg...

har du hørt eventyret om di tre jødene og gullhår før :D)))

det var engang tre jøder som bodde langt inne i skogen...
men gullhår lagde grøten deres....

noen hadde spist alle parsjoner med grøt for jødene... stakkars.....
tatt deres fly.... og limosin fra dem...

Mvh ur-norsk

ur-norsk er nok den samme som Elizabeth. I januar 2009 var det en anonym som skrev et innlegg gjentatte ganger, og det kan ha vært den samme personen:

alle kluter
Publisert 15 januar, 2009 - 23:21 av Anonym

Ble lagt frem. Jøden skulle bort. Han var misstenkt for å slette nick. skrive om hele sol.no sin frem side. Da kontaktet sol eniro meg for å bistå at personen som hacket sol å sitter nå med samtlige bruker kontoer i sin besittelse ble tatt.
Jeg skrev til jøden flere ganger den natten. Jeg skrev til jøden dagene der på. Jeg ble innstruert av moderatorene. Jeg postet svar som var dikterte. Jeg postet blåkopier hva eniro ville jeg skulle si. For eniro ville ta jøden med hud og hår.
Da dette ikke gikk slik moderatorene og eniro ville. Sletter eniro alle mine nick fra siden. Jeg tror ikke eniro eller moderatorene vil ha denne opplysningen på det frie rom.
Det er sterkt beklagelig eniro missbrukte sin makt. Det er sterkt beklagelig to moderatorer ble sparket etter den hendelsen.
Lar ikke eniro meg hvere i fred. Her etter !
Vil fortrolig A-poster mellom oss bli offentligjort......

Fan ta dere røde idioter i sol... bruke deres brukere på den måten. Jeg var for naiv i ga dere alle opplysniger jeg viste. nå i ettertid vet jeg dere kjemper for min bortgang. Dere vil ikke sannheten kommer på bordet. Den natten deres moderatorer ga meg opplysninger som ville knekket deres konsesjon for å drive siden !

Reis til hellvete sol...

Nå har jeg fortalt rommet min historie.

Mvh Anonym.

Historien er realistisk og stemmer overens med hendelsen i nevember 2007. Men jøder blander ofte sannheter med løgner. JohnnyBravo ble ihvertfall ikke sparket. Han skiftet nick til NeoN. Hva hensikten med innlegget skulle være er uklart. Det kan være at personen er bitter på SOL av en grunn. Morsomt er det at de kaller meg "jøden" og vil ha meg bort. Er SOL drevet av nazister? :)

Innlegget de to kommenterte:

What the fuck?
Publisert 24 mars, 2008 - 22:36 av Jew Exterminator

Lies from Bush and The Truth Movements

what the fuck?

All the truth movements are in on the cover up. Which means that this conspiracy is big. There are millions in on the conspiracy. They're all Jews. All the media are owned by Jews. They're all covering up for the murderers.

Wow it's refreshing to hear that some people understand wtf is going on around them. Jewtube is full of idiots being lead around by these guys like Alex Jones and We Are Change. Thanks for posting this!

BBC News report about WTC 7 collapse is a hoax

This video came up as a result of a hysterical reaction. Alex Jones was scared that the truth was about to come out and needed a diversion, some "breaking evidence" to present on his blog.

Ive been Wondering about this for a while. Thanks :)

Jewish Jesus Christ:
Matthew 10,34: Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

Jewish Hitler dressed some prisoners up as Polish soldiers, placed them by the border and shot them dead. He claimed Poland had attacked and used that as an excuse to invade Poland.

False Flag Operation = Jewish Operation

Jewish Paul Wolfowitz, Sept 2000:
We need a catastrophe!

Jewish Larry Silverstein:
I pulled my buildings!

Wolfowitz, Feb 2002:
Wow, 9/11 was really a great opportunity. It was just what we Jews needed...

Jewish George Bush:
Let's bomb Iraq!

Iran is next!

ABC News:
Some big Iranian warships are cruising along the American coast...

US Navy: "Naaah, nothing to worry about. They're not close enough. If they wanted to start a war with us they would be closer. Oh, well, what the hell, send out a couple of speedboats and ask them what their intentions are. But don't say anything like "I'm cooooming to yooou, and you will exploooode!" or some shit like that. Maybe they'll get scared and start shooting at you, and we'll never get to know what they're up to..."

WORST *FAKE* Iranian Accent EVER!!!

AHAHAHAHAHA IS ANYONE FALLING FOR THIS BULLSHIT? "I am commmming to explodddee.... " Ahahaha

this video is clearly fabricated.

"you will explode" is the dumbest thing for someone to say if they really want to "blow you up" geeze just as bad as waving a flag saying "shoot me, i suicide bomber"

This is a joke right! The American people are going to believe that speed boats were going to take on a huge US Fighter? Get real Bush get real Dick Cheney! We no longer take you seriously! You've turned terrorism into a joke!

Let me get this right. A bunch of SUICIDE bombers try to blow up US ships but they get scared of being KILLED so they run away. GTFOH.

Funny- Even the GUNS are pointing in "normal" direction. No sailors running anywhere "To Stations"
= ZERO emergency-
The media even took the BLACKED part of the Pentagon video (end) and superimposed it on the Official part!

Ya think THEY want a war too?

Presidents and/or owners:
Jew - CBS - William S. Paley, Leslie Moonves
Jew - NBC - Jeffrey Zucker
Jew - ABC - Stuart Bloomberg and George W. Bodenheimer
Jew - ABC News - David Westin
Jew - CNN - Gerald Levin, Reese Schonfeld (co-founder)
Jew - FOX - Gail Berman, Rupert Murdoch
Jew - MBS - Ronnessen
Jew - Daily News - Maxwell, real name Hoch
Jew - US News - Zuckerman

Jew - New York Times - Sulzberger
Jew - BBC - Michael Ian Grade, Mark Thompson
Jew - Sirius Satellite Radio - Mel Karmazin, Scott Greenstein
Jew - ITV - Murdoch, Grade
Jew - Paramount Pictures - Bradley Alan Grey
Jew - 20th Century Fox - Sherry Lansing
Jew - News Corporation - Peter Chernin
Jew - Columbia Pictures - Kaufman
Jew - Warner Brothers - Barry M. Meyer
Jew - Clear Channel - Lowry Mays, Andrew Levin

Jew - Warner Co - Martin S. Davis
Jew - Dreamworks - Spielberg
Jew - Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television - Micheal D. Eisner
Jew - VIACOM - Sumner Murray Redstone, real name Rothstein
Jew - MTV - Murray Rothstein
Jew - Nickelodeon - Murray Rothstein
Jew - Universal Pictures - Stacey Snider
Jew - Universal Studios - Ron Meyer

The Pentagon, which is formed as the center of a pentagram, which is a Jewish symbol of evil, had its groundbreaking ceremony on 9/11-1941. Exactly 60 years later, the mass murderer Larry Jew Silverstein blew up his buildings killing the Gentiles in them.

"According to Jewish myth, the King of Jews will bring all Gentile nations, cultures and religions to ruins through world wars. The King of Jews, whom the Jews call "Messiah", will then rule the world from Jerusalem."

Alexander Emerich Jones changed to Emerick, probably to hide any traces of him being a Jew. But his stupid Jewish theories reveal his true identity:

Alex Jones - insane in the brain

"9/11 was a Boeing Job!"

March 7th, 2007

Alex "New World Order" Jones has completely forgotten that he is supposed to say that "9/11 was an inside job!" and has now come up with new and amazing conspiracy theories on his own. Earlier today, the muslimhater believed that Boeing conspired with muslims on September 11th 2001, and that they hijacked some planes with a remote control, especially designed to crash planes into tall and high profile steel buildings owned by Jews.

Of course, Boeing totally denied these insane and anti-Semitic claims, but nutty Jones then even thought that was very suspicious. "Why would Boeing deny such an obvious fact?" loony Alex asked himself repeatedly through out the day. There was no doubt in his paranoic mind that Boeing somehow represented a big threat to national security.

Finally, the nutcase came to the conclusion that Boeing had orchestrated 9/11!

Which means that Bohemian Grove was just a scapegoat. What a relief..

CNN: Anti-semites say they just believe XYZ! 9/11 was a Jew Job!

the guy interviewed in this video has been disappeared for more than 6 months now

It's just an act, to make people think it's dangerous to investigate 9/11. Christopher Bollyn is a Jew.

Jewish Eric Hufschmid:
It is 30 June 2007...
do you know where Christopher Bollyn is?

Bollyn supposedly wrote and posted this article at his site on 29 June 2007, but we have not heard directly from Bollyn, so we have no reason to believe that Christopher is alive, and if he is alive, we have no reason to believe that he is safe.

Bollyn and Hufschmid are probably just giggling as they're writing this...

Christopher Bollyn:
When I met with 9-11 researcher and scientist Professor Steven E. Jones at Brigham Young University in the winter and spring of 2006, I tried to impress upon him that there were people in the 9-11 movement who were dangerous and who were not at all interested in finding the truth about what happened on September 11, 2001. The 9-11 movement was infested with agents, as one should expect.

I also told him we were in very real danger for exposing and speaking about the lies of 9-11. My wife and I knew that we were being monitored by the FBI at my home in Illinois. For this reason we were very reluctant to even visit our home. I told Jones and others about this threat that I had discovered in the summer of 2005.

Christopher Bollyn and physicist Steven E. Jones discussing the evidence of Thermite at the World Trade Center in June 2006

Actually, they're just posing, trying to look mystic...

Bollyn, 29 January 2008:
My latest discovery about 9-11 is now posted on-line and is available for public reading. The article, entitled "How Did Israeli Spy Software Get Onto Critical FAA Computers?" is on my website.

To support Bollyn's 9-11 research, please send a donation by PalPal to: shop@bollynbooks.com

I think I will send him all my money so he can write his ridiculous fairytales about Israel. If he disappears again, I'll rob a bank, so he can come back...

Jewish Eric Hufschmid: Jews mix truth with lies.

Jewish Bobby Fischer:
"I say death to President Bush, I say death to the United States. Fuck the United States, fuck the Jews, the Jews are a criminal people, they mutilate their children, they are murderous, criminal, thieving, lying, bastards. They made up the Holocaust, there's not a word of truth to it. They are the worst liars and bastards. And now, what goes around, comes around, they're getting it back, finally. Praise God... Hallelujah, this is a wonderful day. Fuck the United States. Cry, you crybabies! Whine, you bastards! Now your time is coming! The US is getting what is coming to it. This is just the beginning."

Fischer speaks the truth about Holocaust. Truthseeking Gentiles will think that this "former" Jew has turned into a non-liar. When not even this guy exposes Silverstein's demolition of the towers, then of course, Laden must have done it...

Fischer's hatred towards Jews obviously has nothing to do with the fact that the mass murderer Larry Jew Silverstein demolished his buildings. So why does Fischer hate Jews if it's not because they stage false flag attacks to start illegal wars?

The comedian, Jewish Bobby Fischer:
"They broke open my safes and they broke open my file cabinets and everything. and just sold off everything. sold off like a hundred boxes of my stuff and sold off my photo album, my letters from President Marcos, my photo album with President Marcos - everything."

Allright, so he hates them because they stole a bunch of boxes from him and sold his photo album...

Maybe Fischer is the top leader of the Al-Qaeda group. He obviously had the motivation for attacking Silverstein.

Bobby Fischer pretends to be a former Jew, just like Benjamin Freedman.

A Jewish Defector Warns America:
Benjamin Freedman Speaks on Zionism
Mr. Freedman is a former Jew, and I mean a FORMER Jew.

Jewish Eric Hufschmid also keeps babbling about "Zionists".
The Protocols of Zion sounds like a movie.

Eric Hufschmid: Bush fucked one of Silverstein's male prostitutes!

Jewish George Bush:

- Fuck you, you stupid Gentiles!

- We're laughing at you...

- Ha ha ha, You Gentiles are stupid to believe that Holocaust lampshade and soap story, ha ha ha!

Martin Luther, an anti-Semite or a Jew pretending to be a Christian, just like George Bush?

Someone who out of the blue says "To be sure, I am not a Jew" is under suspicion, especially when he shortly before said he was a Christian.

WARNING: This is a Notorious Antisemitic Document!
On the Jews and Their Lies, 1543
Martin Luther (1483 - 1546)

I had made up my mind to write no more either about the Jews or against them. But since I learned that those miserable and accursed people do not cease to lure to themselves even us, that is, the Christians, I have published this little book.

If there were but a spark of reason or understanding in them, they would surely say to themselves: "O Lord God, something has gone wrong with us. Our misery is too great, too long, too severe; God has forgotten us!" etc. To be sure, I am not a Jew, but I really do not like to contemplate God's awful wrath toward this people.

Larry Silverstein:
"O Lord God, something has gone wrong with me. My misery is too great, too long, too severe; God has forgotten me!" etc.

Fox Jews joke about the crime:
Prior to 9/11 some Israelis pretended to be students, because they live their lives pretending, and they infiltrated everything in the government, by repeatedly saying they wanted to sell some cheap art. Everyone was fooled by this trick because the Israelis are so smart. They even infiltrated secret offices and unlisted private homes of law enforcement officers.

Then these clever Israelis investigated the upcoming event and found out that Laden was about to demolish Silverstein's buildings.

The bad thing about these Israelis was that they didn't tell us Gentiles about it. They just let Laden go through with it...

Evil lying Jews on FOX pretending to argue with another Jew

The Fox Jews show footages of WTC 7 being demolished while the Fox Jews say:

"Just because it looks like a controlled demolition, do you have e e... do you have any evidence who loaded up that building with some... ah.. with some.. ah.. (explosives).. explosives?"

They're just joking about it.

Tarpley: "The Bin Ladens are troops of actors..."

Tarpley is not truthful about what Kerry is saying. Kerry is just babbling about a wall...

Why is Kerry babbling about a wall when asked about WTC7?

Genesis 17:14 And any male who does not undergo circumcision will be cut off from his people: my agreement has been broken by him.

Exodus 31:14 So you are to keep the Sabbath as a holy day; and anyone not honouring it will certainly be put to death: whoever does any work on that day will be cut off from his people.

Leviticus 20:13 And if a man has sex relations with a man, the two of them have done a disgusting thing: let them be put to death; their blood will be on them.

Leviticus 20:18 And if a man has sex relations with a woman at the time when she is unwell, he has seen her fountain and she has let the fountain of her blood be uncovered, and the two of them are to be cut off from among their people.

Leviticus 24:16 And he who says evil against the name of the Lord will certainly be put to death; he will be stoned by all the people; the man who is not of your nation and one who is an Israelite by birth, whoever says evil against the holy Name is to be put to death.

Numbers 9:13 But the man who, not being unclean or on a journey, does not keep the Passover, will be cut off from his people.

Deuteronomy 22:23 If a young virgin has given her word to be married to a man, and another man meeting her in the town, has connection with her; Then you are to take the two of them to the doorway of the town, and have them stoned to death; the young virgin, because she gave no cry for help, though it was in the town, and the man, because he has put shame on his neighbour's wife: so you are to put away evil from among you.

Leviticus 26:
...they will be put to death by your swords.
...will be put to death by your swords.
...I will put fear in your hearts, even wasting disease and burning pain, drying up the eyes and making the soul feeble.

...I will let loose the beasts of the field among you, and they will take away your children and send destruction on your cattle, so that your numbers will become small and your roads become waste. And I will send a sword on you to give effect to the punishment of my agreement; and when you come together into your towns I will send disease among you and you will be given up into the hands of your haters. Then you will take the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters for food. And I will send destruction on your high places, overturning your perfume altars, and will put your dead bodies on your broken images, and my soul will be turned from you in disgust. And I will make your towns waste and send destruction on your holy places. And I will make your land a waste. And I will send you out in all directions among the nations, and my sword will be uncovered against you, and your land will be without any living thing, and your towns will be made waste...

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